Life Sciences & Pharmaceuticals

Greece’s Life Sciences industry has been developing at a vigorous rate, with new start-up and spin-off companies increasingly pursuing international R&D collaborations for the development of competitive, technology-based products and services. Essential to this dynamic growth is the Greek R&D infrastructure, which includes internationally renowned Research Institutes, research teams and University Research Groups.

In the Pharmaceuticals sector, the manufacturing of generics has the potential to spur growth and GVA, improving the efficiency of the Greek healthcare system and also fueling exports and growth for the Greek pharmaceuticals industry.

The Greek pharmaceutical sector has traditionally been a strong contributor to the Greek Economy, focusing mainly on local consumption. However, this shift towards generics can provide a very strong opportunity for the sector to leverage its know-how and capabilities, focusing first on the Greek market where cost pressures are forcing a major shift towards generic drug consumption, but also on European and other markets.

There are several Greek companies already competing successfully in the international pharmaceutical markets, with a strong shift towards R&D, innovation and marketing so that they can become competitive.

Investments in the Greek life sciences sector over the next few years will be driven by:

  • the export potential for Greek generic pharmaceutical manufacturers based on the expected growth of the European and CEE market and the competitive advantages and know-how of Greek players
  • the significant development of new R&D start-ups and research efforts  focusing on biotech and life science innovations, often in collaboration with international research institutes and world-class teams
  • the leveraging of synergies with the tourist industry for the development of specialized medical tourism / medical care facilities both for inpatient or outpatient operations and for such procedures as fertility treatments, elderly care and rehabilitation.

Key Opportunities

  • R&D investments and start-ups in the biotech and life sciences fields.

  • Greek pharmaceutical companies seeking investment and trade partners.

  • The Combination of Medical tourism facilities with the Greek healthcare expertise and the climate.

Why to Invest in Life Sciences & Pharmaceuticals?

Are you going to take advantage of the great business opportunities and to invest in Life Sciences and Pharmaceuticals?
We welcome any opportunities to explore the possibilities of working with you. We will support you all the way !

  • Skilled medical workforce

  • Regional Hub for Clinical Trials

  • Low Operational Costs

  • Market potential for generic pharmaceuticals

  • Health tourism market potential

  • Research & Development Κnow-how