Dongguan Archives - HETCO | Hellenic Trade Council


Hellenic Trade Council will become part of the national effort for the reboot of Greece’s tourism


Following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the global economy is going through a very critical period in regard to its recovery  and dealing with the consequences brought by this immense and unprecedented crisis. For Greece a major challenge that has risen is the major hit brought to the tourism sector, with a thoroughly planned and coordinated re-start becoming a top priority.

The Hellenic Trade Council (HETCO) has joined forces with the Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO) to support the strengthening of Greek tourism in China and East Asia. HETCO’s collaboration with the GNTO started in January 2019, with the opening of  “Visit Greece” permanent exhibition space in the National Pavilion of Greece in Shanghai, aiming to attract affluent travelers from the East China market.

With the results of the GNTO’s Shanghai pavilion being more than positive, HETCO is now working with the GNTO to apply the key findings and learnings obtained to open up new markets in China and East Asia in accordance with the changes in travelling brought about by the recent pandemic crisis. Moving to ways in which HETCO can contribute to the upgrade of the country’s tourism product, HETCO has worked closely with the Ministry of Tourism to extend its stategic partnership with GNTO.

The GNTO’s Shanghai pavilion besides its role as an information hub of Greece’s tourism in East China’s tourist market, the permanent pavilion serves as a business hub too, connecting Chinese travel groups to Greek hotel owners. HETCO enriches the GNTO’s pavilion offering Greek travel agencies, airliners, hoteliers easy access to the Chinese market.

Still on the front of contributing to the effort for the reboot of Greece’s tourism, HETCO and GNTO are extending their stategic parntership, signing a new Memorantum of Understanding (MoU) to further promote Greek tourism in the Chinese market, focusing on the establishment of new permanent “Visit Greece” exhibition spaces in China.

The HETCO has already secured a permanent pavilion in the city of Dongguan in South China for the promotion of Greece and the showcasing of Greek products, where a new “Visit Greece” permanent exhibition space will be created in 2020.

Also, HETCO will support and complement the GNTO’s action-plan in the Chinese market and East Asia.